MISSION: To introduce, educate, and enlighten oceanic explorers through scuba, one of the most exhilarating experiences humans can have, by way of holistic courses + regenerative travel.

VISION: We believe we can inspire global change by removing the disconnect between people and the ocean they wish to protect.

Let’s be honest, we are only here for one thing: to do what we can to save the planet by exploiting what we are good at- DIVING.

We know: shameless.

We inspire divers to rethink travel and diving philosophy, incorporating sustainability + regeneration into their future. We’re dedicated to developing and conducting dive expeditions that challenge us to be more mindful as we traverse the globe in search of adventure. In doing this, we commit to reducing our environmental impact and strengthening the communities we encounter along the way through partnerships. Clarity around our Mission + Vision is imperative as we team up to coordinate with our global retreat hosts.

As we are in our initial start-up phase, we are continually identifying the points that we find to be most important and sharing them. Our north star is the idea that when we travel, we leave the place better than it was when we got there. When more people support organizations like Ascension Scuba, a future of regenerative tourism is attainable.

Through personal interactions with the main lifeblood of our planet, we can see the effects of taking from the ocean versus what we are giving back. Our goal in fulfilling our mission of creating regenerative dive experiences means there is much to consider aside from diving alone.  We aim to become part of a new standard in the dive industry by keeping counterbalance as a main driver as we head toward the future. Previously applied more within agriculture and architecture, two fields that we are extremely passionate about, regeneration, equally, has a seat at the table in the diving space.

Our integrated approach involves more than identifying problems. Ascension Scuba lays the foundation that allows for the energization of curiosity where divers will emerge as activists toward developing a better world. We accomplish this by realizing the 4 pillars of Ascension Scuba: breathing, alignment, being present, and relaxation.

Image Credit: Beam, Inc

We seek to partner with carbon neutral resorts and service providers 

We want clients to find that adopting sustainability into destinations they choose to travel to will increase well-being, increase community, and build awareness about new issues that may arise and know how to mitigate them.

We also want to help identify and decrease brand loyalty from those that are harmful to the environment and shift it to those who are creating positive change in the world. This is why we seek out carbon neutral resorts. When we can embed an individual or group in an environment that is fully demonstrative of our values, then we can better align them with the general idea that they too can make a difference. We believe that this philosophy can multiply our social and environmental impact.